
Wednesday 24 November 2010

RESEARCH: Questionnaire

I have constructed a questionnaire to gain some insight into the typical target audience for music videos - teens and young adults. I wanted to gage thier opinions on three different music videos, from three very different bands/artists that fall under the genre of pop (Hurts and Gaga) and indie (Arctic Monkeys). Once I have gathered a substantial amount of data, I hope to use the information to further plan my video planning so that I can be sure I am pitching in the right direction - one which will appeal to my target audience. Some of my questions are open ended, I did this to ensure I not only received statistical answers but responses that would allow me to investigate different aspects of the music video that appeal to my target audience.

Comparison: Hurts Stay
Arctic Monkeys
Fluorescent Adolescent
Lady Gaga Beautiful, Dirty, Rich

Disregard any prior knowledge of the songs and focus on the video itself rather than the artist/band.

1. On first viewing, which of the three videos most appeals to you and why?
a. Hurts b. Arctic Monkeys c. Lady Gaga
2. How important do you think it is that a music video’s images correspond to the lyrics of the song?
a. Very important b. Moderately important c. Not important
3. Which video do you feel is most successful in relating the lyrics to the imagery?
a. Hurts b. Arctic Monkeys c. Lady Gaga
4. Do you like there to be a level of continuity between a Band/Artist’s various music videos? (For example OK Go!)
a. Yes b. No
If yes, then why?

These questions refer to Hurts Stay

5. What about this video appeals to you most?
6. How effective do you feel the choice of location was in creating the mood of the video?
a. Very effective b. Quite Effective c. Ineffective
7. Do you think this video would have been as successful had it been shot indoors?
a. Yes b. No
8. Do you think the video would have been as effective had the band not been featured?
a. Yes b. No
If yes, why?

These questions refer to Arctic Monkey’s Fluorescent Adolescent

9. What about this video appeals to you most?
10. How important do you think the use of costume was in creating the mood for the video?
a. Very important b. Quite important c. Unimportant
11. The video has an amateur feel – do you feel it would have been as successful had it been shot in a professional manner? (With more emphasis put on lighting and steady camera shots)
a. Yes b. No
12. Do you think the video would have been more effective had the band been featured?
a. Yes b. No
If yes, why?

These questions refer to Gaga Beautiful, Dirty, Rich

13. What about this video appeals to you most?
14. How important do you think the use of props was in setting the scene for this video?
a. Very important b. Quite important c. Unimportant
15. To what extent do you feel the lighting used in this video adds to the overall video quality?
16. Do you think the video would have been as effective had the artist not been featured?
a. Yes b. No
If yes, why?

Thank You for Partaking

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