
Wednesday 16 March 2011

EVALUATION: Forms and Conventions

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Though I feel it is important that music videos conform to an extent to the typical conventions of other videos/bands in the same genre, for the most part I have focused on challenge typical conventions, so as to keep the audience active and involved in my video. Due to my research into audience theories, for example the hypodermic needle model, and the subsequent increase of 'interactive' music videos, I drew the conclusion that for my music video to be successful I needed to challenge Arctic Monkeys' usual style. A good example of a band straying from their usual style of video, is Hurts with their new Sunday video (seen below). Their usual classic monochrome style has been altered successfully, with their video receiving 1414 likes to only 30 dislikes.

It is this idea of constant reinvention that I have found most interesting through my research, and has been a integral idea in the planning of my music video. I wanted to reference Arctic Monkeys earlier style of work, but create a fresh image, considering the song I have used is from their most recent (and most controversial to fans, in terms of style of music) album. Thus, I have challenged the typical conventions of both Arctic Monkeys and the rock-indie genre, by filming a ballet routine, which is typically seen as 'high society', however I did make sure that it fitted with the song and lyrical style, as otherwise I felt it would be straying from their style for the sake of it, and not appear as effective.

I looked very closely at Goodwin's Theory and I utilised the ideas that visuals can be used to compliment and amplify the music. In the case of my music video, I cut in time to the music, to compliment the song, however when the tempo build and the song became louder and more aggressive cut much faster. As the music came to a climax, the longest clips are 0.5 seconds, thus I used the images to amplify the music, and create a much more striking effect. However where I did challenge Goodwin's theory, is in terms of 'notions of looking' with particular reference to the objectification of women. Two females make up the bulk of my music video, however I was very eager to challenge the male gaze theory, and create a strong and powerful feel, with particular reference to the dancer who seems at ease and in control of the situation throughout. The objectification of women is not a particular characteristic of a rock-indie music video and consequently its absence did not seem out of place, whereas in a grime/RnB video it may have.

My music video is concept based, and ultimately I feel I both developed and challenged the conventions of real media products. For example I developed my concept and kept it as a constant feature throughout, which my very early research into conceptual music videos, showed that a concept has to be developed so that it can be made explicit to the audience. However I feel I also challenged audience perceptions of Arctic Monkeys video, but at the same time kept a certain playfulness which is important in maintaining their band identity, after all they have retained a 'by the people, for the people' feel.

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