
Wednesday 16 March 2011

EVALUATION: Main Task and Ancillary Task

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

In terms of practical distribution, my digipack and music video are very effective. Though I used iMovie as an editing programme, my music video has been converted to standard format, and condensed to medium size to make it quick and easily accessible on media platforms such as YouTube. I have not uploaded my music video to YouTube in HD, as this slows the buffering process, and as the internet is such a widely used and easily accessible media platform, quick and easily viewed videos are vital. From this perspective my music video has been very effective, as it is available online through YouTube, which allows it to be channelled in other formats, such as linked on social networking sites or embedded into blogs, making the format of my video very versatile and accessible by a mainstream audience. This is important, particularly as Arctic Monkeys now have a very large international following, so universal formats and platforms such as YouTube are very important for the success of their videos.

The YouTube statistics above stress the vital need for bands to market themselves on the internet and the huge audiences that are accessible by such media platforms. With regards to my music video, I have placed my video in the public domain as it is freely accessible on YouTube by anyone in any uncensored country. Thus, the effectiveness of my video with regards to its availability and reach of target audience, shows I have been successful.

With regards to the combination of my video and digipack, I feel I have effectively created a strong link between the two products, making them easy to associate with each other to the consumer. I chose to use three images taken on the day of filming for the front and back covers, this provides a level of continuity between merchandise, helping to strengthen the image the band have created either as a whole, or for that specific album (in this case, their Humbug album carries a very different feel to the previous two albums.) I compared my style of album cover to others in the same genre, for example Two Door Cinema club is simple a photograph of a cat, altered using photo editing software, to make the eyes look like jewels. I feel my album cover responded to the typical conventions of an indie album cover, through my use of photography rather than a computer created drawing which I felt I would not get as much a professional look to it. Also I felt it was very important to communicate to the audience the look and feel of the song, on as many media platforms as possible, so that they could link the merchandise together, and it would be clear from which album the music video came from. If the consumer is aware of an album and all the extras available, then the likelihood of purchasing a band's products is much higher. Consequently my reason for keeping a similar look and continuous theme throughout my two products, was so, should it have been produced professionally, the label may have received higher streams of revenue.

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