
Thursday 10 February 2011

FILMING: On Location

Filming Day One
Time: 12.30 - 5.30

The first day that we filmed, we shot for five hours on the stage to get the dance routine. It was a lot of stopping and starting as I compiled the close up shots, for example the feet during a pirouette or the arms outstretched. However when I was filming the long shots from a distance to get the core of the dance routine, I set the camera up on the tripod and left it still whilst Beth danced. I chose to leave the camera still to make sure when it came to editing there would be a level of continuity between shots to show the routine progressing, whereas had I moved the camera it may be much harder to edit.

Fixing Beth's first costume, which was a white leotard and white feathered tutu. I made the tutu on the day to be sure it was the right size to fit around her waist.
Hannah contributed to the choreography, on the day Beth and her rehearesed between takes.

Due to filming in an enclosed area, it was important that I made clear which areas would or wouldn't be in shot. This was particulalry important when filming long shots, where the aim was to get full body footage.

I used gold reflectors for the close ups of Beth's face. This was consistent with the yellow glow that the lights gave off, and gave a warmer tint that I would have acheived with silver reflectors.

This was the second costume. It was identical to the first, but instead used black materials. I also decided she should wear a black mask to fully orchestrate the change from the first outfit. This was beneficial also, as the sequins reflected the spotlights and acted as a further light source. (particularly important as we were filming black on black.)

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