
Sunday 27 February 2011

PLANNING: Digipack Design

A lot of digipacks just have one image that corresponds with either the song title or one of the music videos featured on the album. I wanted mine to link to the music video, but at the same time I did not think I had taken a striking enough picture that would look professional and eye catching on its own. Consequently I decided to overlay two images on the front cover, both of the dancer featured in the music video, however one would be a close up and the other a full body shot to prevent it appearing monotonous or like a mirror image.
Above are the three images that I have chosen for my digipack. The close up of the face and the dancer kicking her leg up will both feature on the front and the other on the back. My reason for choosing to put the pirouette image on the back is that I feel it is a striking, and the contrast between light from the spotlights illuminating the dancer and the darkness surrounding is key to expanding on my original concept. Also the large black area to one side of the dancer will be useful for the list of songs, and will make it clear and easy to read if I use white text over the black.

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