
Wednesday 9 February 2011

PLANNING: Lighting Techniques

I've drawn up lighting plans for the stage where I will film the dance routine for my video. To create a theatrical effect I did not want to flood the area with light, so instead I decided to light from wither side of the stage using four fairly bright spotlights. This will cast shadows, and keep the dancer in light, but combined with the black curtains will keep the area looking theatrical. I thought this technique would allow me to get some good body shots, in medium light so that it lens my piece a classic look, however any close ups can be shot closer to the light source, thus allowing small details to be seen, for example the beading on the black mask.

I wanted the light/dark imagery to be reflected through each element of my piece. In the dance routine I have represented that through the change of costume, from an all white outfit to an all black outfit, to show the divide between the good side/bad side and the split between the psyche. I want to film some close up footage of facial expressions, to show the changing atmosphere throughout my video, so I have decided to light it from one side, with a spot light poised very close to the face. This would cast shadow over one side of the face, so that half the face is illuminated and the other in complete darkness.

Though the dance routine in my piece will be the focal point, I wanted to further the light/dark concept by using shadow puppets. Therefore I researched how to make a shadow puppet theatre, I needed one that would look particularly sharp given that it has to be filmed, and I need it to be high quality so that it does not look out of place with the ballet routine, which will look polished. I looked at creating shadow puppets using paper, however I wanted an organic look to the piece, so I have decided to use hands, as I feel this will not only link with the song title but give a 'rough and ready' element to the piece, which is synonymous with Arctic Monkeys' work.

Above is a VW advert, all shadow puppets were formed by hands. This is the inspiration behind this element to my piece as I find it very interesting the story that can be told just through hand gestures. Therefore in my piece I will combine the use of dance, hand puppetry and facial expressions to show the mood changing in my video.

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