
Wednesday 9 February 2011

PLANNING: Costume Design

Ballet has been the subject of numerous films, however the majority of music videos that incorporate dancing are usually hip hop/rap videos that favour scantily clad street dancers, ballet is not a genre so widely used. However when it does feature it is usually part of a narrative, for example Hurts' Better Than Love seems to follow a man searching for a women he once knew, the ballerinas in this sense come across as 'auditionees' whereby ultimately the man is left unsatisfied as he is no closer in his search. Though my piece will not follow a narrative per say, I did take inspiration from the costumes in their video, which very much follow the light/dark theme that crops up time and again where ballet is concerned.

My designs featured below show both the light/dark transition through costume and also through make up. (The very light colours have not scanned very well, especially on the white/pink outfit.) As Jeweller's Hands progresses it builds in tempo and in volume, drawing from Goodwin's Theory of music linking with visuals, I felt not only should the editing match with the music progression but so should the visuals. Consequently as the music grows louder and bolder so will the choreography and the costume, until at the final climax the ballerina will be dressed fully in black with a large black feathered mask on (which can be seen on the first page of designs below).

I also looked closely at the costumes in the 1948 'The Red Shoes'. Traditionally, ballerina dance either in light pinks or black, which provides a very monochrome base in terms of costume. The vividness of the red shoes in this film is incredibly eye catching, and it was this pop of colour that I wanted to include in my video, which otherwise would seem very black and white. Consequently I have shown on my make up designs a lip that gets progressively more red. This will tie in with the red beading on the mask and should provide an eye catching feature.

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